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activeа ingredients



lyophilized powder

proteolytic enzymes

аwound healing



triterpene glycosides





аmediterranean fever


liquid (microenema)

sorbite, xylite




triterpene glycosides




flavonoid glycoside




















steroid glycosides









hypoglycemic remedy

Bentonite clay preparations






аskin rashes and macerations



аgastric upset colitis


аУdryФ ointment tablets






аbaby powder


Tikha - Ascanae

аdispersed clay

аpharmaceutical vehicle

аа Cosmetics

Grape stone oil

Fir-tree cone oil

Plant growth promoter

Alexinа allelochemical (steroid saponins)


Colchicine grade pure alkaloid

Digitonin аsteroid saponin

Tigogenin steroid sapogenin

Theasaponin аmultipurpose triterpene glycosides

Tannin УPФ - grade pure

Emodinа anthraquinons standard


Brief Descriptions аааа


Caripazymum - proteolytic preparation containing enzymes of latex of papaya fruits, including Ц papain, chimopapain, peptidase, and lyzocime.

Caripazimum exhibits anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antiseptic properties: destroys necrotic or degenerating tissues, dilutes viscous exudates and blood clots, puffiness of the struck structures etc.

Caripazimum is applied to painless removal of necrotic surfaces, clearance of trophic ulcers and bedsores; at a pus cavities drainage; at local treatment of a paradontitis and chronic gingivitis; at osteoarthritis, a backbone, arthritis, impassability of Fallopian tubes, and arachnoiditis. In certain cases Caripazimumа is most effective if applied electroforetically.

Caripazimum is applied locally as 0,5-2,0% solutions in 0,5% novocain or physiological solution (prepared ex tempore).

Caripazimum is produced as lyophilized powder in the bottles containing 100 mg of a preparation by activity 350 ╧┼.


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Causuron - alcohol-water extract of leaves of ivy (Hedera helix), a yellow-brown liquid with a specific smell and taste; contains triterpene glycosides and flavonoids. Causuron is analogue of a preparation "Hedelix"(Germany) .

Causuron has expectorative and anti-cough action.

It is recommended at acute and chronic bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory ways accompanying with the bronchoobstruction.

It can be appointed simultaneously with other broncholytic preparations.

Causuronum it is applied as drops together with a small amount of water: to children from 3 up to 5 years - 8-10 drops, from above 5 years - 20 drops, the adult - 40 drops 3-5 once a day.

Causuronum is produced in bottles from the dark glass, containing 40 ml of a preparation.

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Colchicine - an alkaloid from underground parts (bulbs) схчтЁхьхээшър Colchicum speciosum and - or Colchicum automnale.

Colchicine exhibits anti-tubuline, anti-inflammatory and anti-mitotic action, inhibits phagocytotic activity and degranulation of leukocytes, interferes with amilodoisis development.

аColchicine is recommended for the treatment of periodic illness (hereditary paroxysmal polyserositis), gouts, amilodoisis, and cirrhosis of a liver.

Colchicine is prescribed in tablets, containing 0.001 g of alkaloid.

Colchicine can cause the diarrhea and, in rare cases, oppression of function of a bone brain.


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Extralax - disposable microenema, containing a solution of sorbite, xylite etc. components.

Extralax has fast (within 5-10 minutes), painless action caused by irritation of receptors of a direct gut and reflex amplification of the bottom departments of thick intestines peristalsis.

Extralax it is prescribed for preparation of patients to rectoscopy, at locks of a various origin, to dejection simplification in patients with heart attacks of a myocardium etc.

Extralax is produced in plastic tubas of the special disposable form, containing 10 ml of a preparation.


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Fatsiphloginum - the non-steroid anti-inflammatory preparation containing the sum of flavonoid glycosides from Fatsia japonica, derivatives of hederagenin and oleanolic acid.

Fatsiphloginum, similarly to other non-steroid anti-inflammatory preparations reduces the inflammatory phenomena including - night and day time pains, and also a pain at passive - active movements, puffiness and morning constraint in joints etc.

Fatsiphloginum is applied at treatment of arthritis, osteoarthritis, anchylospondilitis, gouts, osteochondritis, mialgy, and tedovaginitis.

Fatsiphloginum, in contrast to other non-steroid anti-inflammatory preparations, extremely seldom causes irritation of a stomach.

Fatsiphloginum is administered orally 3-4 times per day after meal.

Is produced as the tablets containing 50 mg of a preparation, in bottles on 50 piece.

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Flaroninum Ц flavonoid glycoside robinin, allocated from leaves and flowers of Astragalus falcatus.

Flaroninum it is applied against uremia, caused by chronic renal insufficiency.

Flaroninum lowers blood levels of residual nitrogen, creatin and urea and improves diuretic function and renal clearance.

Flaroninum is applied as tablets containing 0,03 g of preparation, 3-4 times per day.

Is produced in bottles on 50 tablets.

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Composition: Psorantron - ointment containing 0,5 %, 1,5 % or 3,0 % 1,8-dihydroxy-9-anthron.

Pharmacological properties: The preparation is intended for treatment of psoriasis. Its effect is caused by cytostatic action on basal epidermis cells.The medical effect is shown approximately after 2 weeks after regular drawing a preparation on the struck sites of a skin and consists in reduction of a peeling, hyperemia and infiltration on processable sites. The medical effect is stabilized individually during 3-6 weeks.

Indications: Limited chronic psoriasis in a stationary stage, with the area of defeat up to 20% of skin. Application is not recommended at acute condition, and also at sharply expressed inflammation.

Application and dozes: the preparation is applied locally in growing concentration. Treatment begins with the applications of a thin layer of 0,5 % ointment extremely on leisured sites once a day. 30-60 minutes after the application leftover ointment which should be removed with a napkin or a wadded ball, and the processed surface washed with warm water. It is desirable after that to grease psoriatic centers with borated petrolatum or weak corticosteroidal ointment. After 3-4 days ointment concentration should be changed to 1,5 %. In severe cases 3% ointment may be used. Duration of treatment: 3-4 weeks.

Complications: Sensation of an easy itch or burning that is not an occasion for a cancellation of treatment. With the preventive purpose it is desirable to grease a healthy skin around of the struck site with borated petrolatum. At occurrence of inflammatory reaction accompanying with edema and morbidity, is necessary to interrupt treatment and make processing of leisured surface with any corticosteroidal ointment (2-3 times for day) before disappearance of attributes of an inflammation, then treatment renew.

After the regression of psoriatic eruption pigmentation of the centers, fascinating as well sites of environmental healthy skin is found out, which spontaneously disappears in several months.

Contra-Indications: extensive psoriatic eruption, a progressive stage; psoriatic erythrodermia.

Psorantron is produced in tubas or the flasks of an orange glass containing 20 g of ointment.

Conditions of storage: in the cool place protected from light.

Shelf life: 2 years.

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Rhamnil - softly working laxative means containing antraglycosides, allocated from a bark of Rhamnus frangula.

Pharmacological action is caused by irritation of the nervous endings of thick intestines and amplification of peristalsis. Laxative action comes after 8-10 hours after reception of a preparation.

Indications: chronic locks, especially effective at atonic locks in aged patients.

amplification of laxative action apply 2 tablets with 2 hour interval.

Recommended dozes: 1 tablets for night; for amplified laxative action 2 tablets with 2-hour interval.

Adverse reactions: Rhamnil does not cause undesirable side-effects, if used as recommended.

Rhamnil is produced in the tablets containing 0,03 у antraglycosides, in bottles containing 30 tablets.


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Rhodopes ointment contains a crude extract of Rhododendron Ungerni leaf polyphenols as active ingredients. Inactive ingredients are monoglyceride and perfume oil.

Rhododendron leaf phenolic compounds exert inhibitory action on the virion multiplication in herpes-symlex virus cultures.

Topical application of phenolic compounds on the herpetic eruptions and blisters promotes formation of crusts and their subsequent elimination leaving no traces of eruption and of pain discomfort after healing.

Rhodopes can be applied not only on skin surfaces as it is in case of Acyclovir (Zovirax), but also on mucous membranes, particularly oral and genital.

Rhodopes is effective in children and also in immunocompromised patients.

Rhodopes ointment is used for topical treatment of acute skin and mucous membrane infections, caused by herpes symplex and varicella-zoster group viruses; in cases of recurrent herpes symplex; for treatment of herpes zoster; genital herpes and condylomata acuminata; herpetic stomatitis, acute aphthous stomatitis, chronic recurrent stomatitis.

For therapeutic purposes a thin layer of Rhodopes ointment should be applied topically 4-5 times daily on skin or mucous membrane eruptions. Duration of treatment approximates 5-10 days. In cases of herpes zoster simultaneous administration of systemic Acyclovir is recommended.

Rhodopes ointment is available as formulation of 5% polyphenol content in 20 mg tubes or flasks

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Saturin is prepared from the leaves of a food and medicinal plant Satureja hortensis. Contains native flavonoids of an initial plant, mainly - luteoline glycosides and rosmarinic acid. Preparation contains also ether oil, thymol, methylcarvacrlol, aminoacid complex and microelements, especially, significant amounts of potassium.

Saturin - hypoglycemic remedy, authentically reduces sugar levelа in blood, is recommended at easy and average forms of the insulinindependent diabetes,а independently, and in conditions of complex medicinal therapy.

Is offered as biologically active additive.

Dosage. On one capsule three times per day within 20-30 days. After a fortnight break the reception needs to be renewed.

State registration: ╣ ╤╬╤╥ ╤╨ 2036763 -005 -2001.

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Description: Tannifucin is a 5% ointment of purified medicinal tannin. It forms a yellowish-white colloidal mass.

Phamacological action: Tannifucin exhibits antimycotic action.

Indications: Treatment of different forms of dermatophytoises, particularly the scalp and skin mycoses caused by Trichophyton metagroites and feet mycoses caused by Trichophyton rubrum.

Administration and dose: approximately 0.5 g per 1 cm2 of affected skin surface twice a day.

Is available in flasks or tubes of 30 g.

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Tribusponin - not hormonal anabolic and anticholesterinic preparation, contains the sum of furo- and spirostanole glycosides from Tribulus terrestris.

Tribusponin improves the trophic of skeletal muscles, raises a muscular tone, promotes increase of muscular weight, increase of the common serviceability and endurance. Simultaneously Tribusponin lowers a level of cholesterol in blood and by virtue of it, detains development of atherosclerotic process, lowers arterial pressure, improves ёюъЁрЄшьюёЄ№ a myocardium, normalizes coagulability of blood, improves sight. Tribusponin is applied at an atherosclerosis of brain vessels, an arterial hypertension and a stenocardia, an atherosclerosis mesentheric vessels with accompanying intestine atony, and also at the increased coagulability of blood.

Tribusponin it is effective also for the prevention or reduction of posttraumatic loss of fiber, including - after heavy surgical operations, long immobilization, etc.

Tribusponin accept 3 times per day on 1-3 tablets before meal.

Each tablet contains 100 mg of preparation.

Is produced in bottles (50 tablets).

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Tsarubol is a mixture of following natural compounds obtained from Paliurus spina Christi fruits: natural lipids, phospholipids, flavonoids, tanins, proanthocyanidines, aminoacids and also microelements.

Tsarubol is characterized by marked hepatoprotective and cholagogue properties. In particular, it protects the hepatocytes against toxicity of ingested substances and promotes restitution of impared hepatocytes. Enhanced detoxifying function of liver is also detectable. Tsarubol elevation the sensation of pressure and of specific pain in right-side subcostal region; simultaneously persistent or recurrent episodes of nausea are usually abolished.

Tsarubol is used in conjunction with dietary measures in cases of chronic hepato-cholecystitis, for treatment of alcoholic or toxic damage of liver parenchymal cells and also in prophylaxis of such liver injuries caused by toxic or metabolic agents.

Tsarubol is administered orally, 2 gelatinous capsules 3 times daily with meals. After beneficial effect is obtained, the dosing can be restricted to 1 capsule 3 times daily. Duration of treatment is approximately 3 months.

Tsarubol is available in gelatinous capsules each containing 35 mg of drug.

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Description: Ascancol is a 10% bentonite gel prepared on basis of specifically processed medicinal clay "Tikha-Ascanae". It is a yellowish-gray colloidal mass. By itself Ascancol is an excellent hydrophilic vehicle for various topical pharmaceutical formulations and can serve for petrolatum and lipid bases substitution in certain ointments. Ascancol is readily removed from skin surfaces by water.

Indications: For prevention and treatment of skin macerations around the various fistulae and pressure, radiation and burn ulcerations. Skin macerations and rashes in newborns. Ascancol is entirely devoid of irritant or allergic action

Administration and dose: Ascancol should be applied to the skin lesions 2-4 times a day. Prior to repeated application skin should be treated with anticeptic solutions or sterile water.

Is available in tubes of 40-70 g.

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Description: Bentobol is the tableted farmaceutical formulation of high-dispersed fraction of bentonite clay "Tikha-Ascanae".

Indications: Treatment of gastric upset, hyperacidosis, wind, acute and chronic gastritis and colitis, and similar diseases of the alimentary tract.

Administration and dose: 1-2 tablets orally within 20-30 min before every meal.

Is available in flasks of 40 tablets each containing 1.0 g of preparation.

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Description: Zincascol is the tableted "dry" ointment formulation containing zinc oxide (0.5 g), calcium stearate (0.01 g) bentonite clay "Tikha-Ascanae" (0.49 g).

Indications: Treatment of infectious dermatitis, streptodermia, other inflammatory skin diseases.

Use: A 10% Zinc ointment should be prepared dispersing 1 tablet in 4 ml of water.

Is available in flasks of 25 tablets.

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Description: Zinc ointment "T" is the homogenous grayish mass of petrolatum consistency, containing Zinc oxide and bentonite clay "Tikha-Ascanae" as active principles, and polyethylene oxide and water.

Phamacological action: The preparation has anti-inflammatory and exsicative properties.

Indication: For treatment of various dermatitis and exacerbated eczemas.

Administration and dose: Applied to the affected areas once or twice a day.

Is available in tubes or gallipots of 35-40 g.


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Description: Baby powder "Baja" is a grayish, odorless, slightelyа adstringent high-disperced matter. It consists of zinc oxide and specially processed bentonite clay "Tikha-Ascanae" (40 g), Zinc oxide (5 g) and starch (5 g).

Phamacological action: The preparation has anti-inflammatory and adsorptive properties.

Indication: For prevention and treatment of skin macerations, rashes, dermatitis and mycosis in newborns and sucklings.

Administration and dose: Applied to the affected areas once or twice a day.

Is available in plastic gallipots of 50 g.


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Tikha Ц Ascanae

Description: Tikha-Ascanae is a specially processed bentonite clay from Ascana deposits in Georgia and is the association of the clay minerals such as montmorillonite, beidelite, nontronite etc. Tikha-Ascanae is a grayish, odorless, slightely adstringent powder. By stirring in 10 parts of of water it forms a balanced colloidal mass. Is very useful substituting Arabian gum in sham emulsions, and for stabilization of dispersed systems, and also in cosmetics.

Indication: Tikha-Ascanae is used orally As adsorbent in treatment of enterocolitis and wind.

Administration and dose: Tikha-Ascanae is used orally.

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Grape stone oil


Soon available




Fir-tree cone oil


Soon available






Soon available




Colchicine "P"

Colchicine grade "pure" - a white crystalline powder.


Colchicine is used as:

-          an analytical reagent for control of colchicines containing products;

-          as a mutagen in plant and animal breeding.



Digitonin -а C56H92O29 Ц a steroid saponins isolated from Digitalis purpureaа and Digitalis ciliate seeds, is a white crystalline powder.

Digitonin forms stable complexes with cholesterole and other 3a-oxysterins and is indepensable analytical reagent for antipode separation, isolation and purification, and qualitative and quantitative and qualitative analyses of a number of natural compounds. Digitonin is available in 5, 10, 25 g flasks.



Tigogenin -а C27H44O3 Ц a steroidal sapogennin ofа 5a,20b 25R spirostan-3b-ol structure isolated from Yucca gloriosa leaves is a white crystalline powder.

Tigogenin is a basic raw material in the synthesis of steroidal hormonal preparations of 5a-series used widely in many spheres of medicine. Besides it is used as a reagent in chemical analyses of natural compounds.



Theasaponin is a light-yellow amorphous powder obtained from tea seeds.

Theasaponin is a mixture of triterpene glycosides with aglycones: theasapogenols A,B,E, and kameliagenins A,D. Carbonhydrate voyety includes D-glucuronic, angelic and tyglic acids.

Theasaponin as nonionic detergent serves as an adjuvant in certain vaccines and diagnostic serums in veterinary practice. As a superficially active substance it is used as a moistener for high-speed X-ray films and also in other spheres of industry.

Theasaponin is used also as a constituent in decay-preventive tooh-pastes.


Tannin УPФ

Tannin grade "pure" derived from pharmacopoeia tannin, is a white or grayish amorphous powder. Tannin grade "pure" is a reagent for analytical control of tannin-containing products, for protein precipitation and separation, for the enzyme preparation and formation of complexes with metals. Tannin grade "pure" is available in 5, 25, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 g flasks.



Emodin-standard а-а C15H10O5 Ц a 1,3,8-triooxy-6-methylanthrachinone obtained from Ramnus frangulae cortex. It is an analytical grade orange-colored аcrystalline powder. Emodin-standard is used as a reagent in the quantitative analyses of preparations containing oxymethylanthrachinones.

It is available as Frangulae-Emodin (trade name) in flasks of а25, 100 and 500 mg.



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Last updated: 06.11.2003

Copyrightа Ó 2003 Karen Mulkijanyan

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